Are you looking for a name for Shih Tzu dogs? You have come to the right place, to make your job easier we have collected some of the best names for male and female dogs. We’ll also talk about the main characteristics of the Shih-tzu breed, for those of you who are thinking of having a puppy.
Shih tzu dogs are characterized by having very good character, they are friendly, obedient, quiet and very sociable dogs. That’s why they are very recommendable to live with children, since they are patient and tolerate very good all type of games. They also adapt easily to other animals, because they are nothing territorial, they don’t care that new dogs come to their home or territory. If you have a male, we have collected some names that you may like:
Shih tzu females have much demeanor and elegance, it’s one of the breeds that look better with long hair. It’s true that most of us that have dogs of this breed at home we can’t keep their hair so long and perfect, because it’s an arduous task and must be done daily. It’s usually simpler to keep their hair short. If there is a new female Shih tzu at home, it’s time to find the perfect name:
Shih tzu dogs are considered small dogs, which as adults can reach between 4 to 9 kilograms in weight. The height does not usually exceed 28-30 centimeters. They are originally from Tibet, it’s a breed that was developed around the monasteries of Tibet, being common their participation in religious activities.
They are usually tri-colored, the most common colors are: white, gold, brown, black.
They have a long and silky hair, it’s advisable to carry out a brushing of habitual form to avoid knots.
They have a very flat nose, this is one of their main characteristics. Therefore, they have a strong breathing, especially when they exercise or are nervous. It’s funny to see them asleep, because they seem to snore.
Their body is compact, so although they may weigh 7 or 8 kilos, they look smaller.
Here is a list of the most popular names for Shih tzu dogs:
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