You’ve come to the perfect place to find the right name for your Border Collie puppy. Maybe you didn’t know it but they are considered one of the most intelligent and skilful breeds. In addition, it’s not easy to find many dogs of this breed, since if you are lucky enough to have one feel lucky we will show you a list of names for males and females, and we will also talk about the characteristics of the breed, let’s begin:
The character of the Border Collie breed is very good, they are sociable dogs, they like to be with other animals. They are obedient, they don’t need excessive training to adapt them to our rules. They like to be accompanied, and have a good relationship with children, they are patient dogs.
It’s a medium sized breed that can reach between 15 to 20 kg as adults, have an athletic aspect, hence their ability to running and agility exercises. It predominates the two-tone and three-color, the best known are the white and light brown border collie dogs.